This is a great add on to the Point Bonita Lighthouse trail. It’s a wide dirt road leading out to a bluff high above the pacific ocean. The hike features spectacular views of the ocean, cliffs, Point Bonita lighthouse and Rodeo beach. It also has awesome bird action (bird Island is a Pelican stronghold), lots of plants, and there are World War I and II ruins along the way.
The trail starts on the north side of the parking lot, just to the right of the bathrooms. It’s not paved, but wide and well graded – I saw a ranger truck driving along it during my hike. At the end, the rails are again good enough for me to be comfortable, even with the kids.
Interesting bits:
Plant IDs:
- Baccharis pilularis – Coyote Brush
- Myoporum sp. – Ngaios
- Delairea odorata – Cape-Ivy
- Urtica dioica – Stinging Nettle
- Achillea millefolium – Common Yarrow
- Cirsium vulgare – Bull Thistle
Activities and Amenities:
There are bathrooms at the parking lot, and a few hikes that start here. The trail itself doesn’t have any benches or tables. This is really all about the out and back. I didn’t have cell service.
Getting there:
You’ll want to follow a map or GPS program if you’re not familiar with the area, it’s a bit twisty turny to get there, and from the direction I was traveling, it was one exit before the bridge. I hate it when I go to San Francisco by accident. (It happens.. fortunately, not a lot.) If there’s no parking at the end of the road parking lot, there’s a larger one just slightly down the hill. Also, download your maps because cell service is minimal.
TLDR – get the basics here:
- You tube
- All trails
- iNaturalist
- The Park – Golden Gate National Recreation Area
- Google maps to the parking lot